dimanche 30 janvier 2011

Point Reyes, spectaculaire.

Point Reyes.
Randonnée à flanc de falaises, seuls au monde et à 1h30 de Berkeley, grandiose.

4 commentaires:

  1. Je n'en reviens pas, Bamby au milieu de la mer, et un grand duc perché dominant les vagues, c'est incroyable ! Quelle beauté, quelle immensité !
    biz de Sté

  2. Northern California is one of the most beautiful parts of this country. The water everywhere, the brilliant sky and great expanses, and rocky beaches that get fogged in at 4:30pm like clockwork... You really are living in heaven now.
    Gros Bis,

  3. ... on attend AU MOINS aussi bien au Chili !
    Sinon on part en pèlerinage sur vos traces en Californie...

  4. Heaven that's it Arlyn,forget about the east coast!
    If we had to live somewhere in the States, it would be here definitely.

    We've heard moving stories about foggy days in Point Ryes. 268 days of fog per year at the light house, the light keepers were drunk, lonely and couldn't keep the job for too long.
    Tout le monde t'embrasse.


Lac Témiscamingue

Lac Témiscamingue